Monday, October 22, 2007

Josh & Jenna are 25!

As I've mentioned before, our two oldest children are twins. Yesterday was their 25th birthday!! Where does the time go?? It seems to just fly by the older they get. The pics I have included in this post go to show how they grow!:) One of them lives in Texas so we didn't get to see him, but we did get to chat with him on the phone and wish him a very Happy Birthday. Our daughter however, only lives a short distance away, so we were able to go up and spend the day with her and her husband. We thought about going out to eat, but instead she wanted me to make her one of her favorite meals...enchiladas. She absolutely loves them!! After eating we all decided to go to the movie Rendition. We thought it was a pretty good movie...keeping you wondering what was going to happen next. We had a very nice time and I think Jenna and Scott did as well. Jen's due to have her baby any time it was nice that she was able to get out a bit.

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