Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Violin at wwbw

I was compensated for the following post, however all opinions are my own.

Our youngest son has always enjoyed the guitar.  He taught himself to play and at one point even wanted to build his own.  Over the years he purchased several different kinds.  I wonder if he would have enjoyed a violin at wwbw.  I'm sure he could have made beautiful music.

Sweet Aliyah

Our newest grand daughter.  She is so amazingly sweet!  We are so blessed.  Miss her.  So excited to see her next week!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

TC Electronics Vocal at Musicians Friend

I was compensated for the following post, however all opinions are my own.

My son Jake has taken an interest in music since he was quite young.  He loved the guitar most.  As he grew he went on line and taught himself to play.  He then worked and purchased several different guitars.  He would have loved to have a tc electronics vocal at musicians friend.  This is a looping device.  The choices are vast.  What a great hobby this has been for him.

Merry Christmas

The Christmas Season can get so crazy with all of the shopping, wrapping, baking, decorating, activities and family gatherings!  I want to slow down and remember what Christmas is truly about.  Thank you God for sending your son.  Thank you Jesus and Happy Birthday!  Keep Christ in Christmas!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

New Toontrack EZ Drummer at Musicians Friend

I was compensated for the following post, however all opinions are my own.

Our son Jake loves music.  When he was younger he played the guitar.  He taught himself to play.  He would have loved the new toontrack ez drummer at musicians friend.  He thought about playing the drums also.  They offer such neat things.

Tired Dog

We were gone for a few days recently and had our dog with us.  She is a very good traveler.  She was so very tired when we got home.  It wasn't like she was busy while we were gone.   She didn't take walks or run around.  I think it was just the idea of being somewhere besides home.  She slept and slept.