Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Black Friday

Years ago I never had any desire to shop on black friday. I had heard of the all the crowds and really did not want to venture out in them. Then one year my daughter convinced me that the sales were too good to pass up. We went out, and ever since we have not missed a year! Black Friday is just too good of a shopping day to pass up. Wouldn't you agree?? It's the best shopping day of the year...especially with the holidays following so close behind it! I have to say that Christmas gifts are what I'm mainly shopping for on this day. I can't help but find things for myself as well. There are just so many great deals that no one could pass up!

This year I'm particularly interested in finding Babies R Us Deals as well as many others. I have two Grandbabies who will be 1 at Christmas time and they are so much fun to shop for. It will be fun to find great sales so I'm able to buy them more. I went online looking to see if my favorite stores have put out their Black Friday ads and they had not yet. However, I did come across a great Black Friday site that wants to help shoppers like myself save money and dodge the huge crowds of people on this very popular shopping day by giving people the chance to shop online. They allow people to list their e-mail addresses so that they can be contacted when ads are put out. I am definitely going to do this, as it really helps with planning out my shopping for that day.

If you'd like to learn more about this site, check it out today and see if it's something you'd find helpful on Black Friday!

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